
NEWSLETTERS are now available to be picked up at the Welcome Center in the Gathering Room or to be downloaded from our website,

HAND OF HOPE FUND:  On the first Sunday of each month there will be a basket available in the Gathering Room to receive pocket change and small bills for the SJB Hand of Hope Fund. Please, if you are in need or know anyone this fund could help, contact the church office!

WOMEN’S BOOK CLUB: They are on “hold” right now. Keep watching for the upstart. The club meets every other Tuesday. They will meet at 11:00 at the Lion’s Pride restaurant in Red Lion.  They choose and will discuss the books they are reading while enjoying lunch. Call the church office to confirm meeting date and place or contact Ginny Weber: 209-549-4358.

MEN’S GROUP – Men’s Fellowship meets the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7pm. Each month they try to have a guest speaker. Or, just enjoy a time of “catching up”. Come on out for a time of fun and fellowship.

FUNERAL INFORMATION FILE: We now have the forms available if you would like to compile your information for your family and for the church. This form will have your biographical information compiled so that family members will not have to worry about remembering these facts in their time of grief. 

SPONSORS: If you would like to become a sponsor for the Bulletin and/or Altar Flowers in memory of a loved one or in honor of an occasion, please fill in your information in the book located on the podium in the Gathering Room. You may place your payment in an envelope marked “Altar Flowers” or “Bulletin” in the offering plate or mail it to the church office. You may also sponsor a choir anthem in memory of a loved one or in honor of a special occasion. The cost is $50 for each anthem.

GIFT CARDS: Would you like to help your church without spending any extra money? You can do this by buying gift cards to use for everyday purchases. For every card sold we earn a profit from 1½% all the way to 16%, depending on the merchant. To get your cards, just fill out an order form and attach a check or cash. Checks should be made payable to St. John’s Blymire’s UCC. You may drop the orders in the offering plate, place them on Wanda’s desk in the office or mail them to the church. Payment must be included with your order. Orders will be sent to the Great Lakes Scrip Center each Monday morning. You may pick up your gift cards from Sandy Innerst at church the following Sunday. For more information about the program, you may call Wanda at the church office or check out the website

SHOWERS OF BLESSINGS: The Called to Care Team would like to offer “Showers of Blessings” to those who are sick or in need of comfort or support. This card shower of prayers, inspirational notes and cards may be sent to anyone, not just members of SJB. To initiate this outreach, put the name and address on a prayer request in the collection plate or call Wanda at the church office.