Rev. Lou Ann Jones, Retired Pastor
Pastor Lou Ann began serving Blymire’s U.C.C. as Designated Pastor beginning March, 2017 following two and a half years as our Interim Pastor. She is retiring on July 1, 2022 and her last day in the office will be May 31. She graduated from Lancaster Theological Seminary in 1982 and was ordained October 3, 1982 at St. Paul’s (Wolf’s) United Church of Christ, York. She is married to Jeri Jones.
Rev. Curt Weber: Pastor Emeritus
Curt had been our pastor from January 1, 1991 until he retired July 2014. He graduated from Lancaster Theological Seminary. We surprised Pastor Curt at the celebration of his 25th Anniversary of Ordination by naming him Pastor Emeritus because of his direction as our pastor. He has a wife, Ginny, and two grown daughters, Tracy and April and two granddaughters. He and Ginny are now enjoying the life of retirement which affords them the opportunity to travel, visit family, and explore deeper their interests and past-time activities.
Wanda Strickler (Administrative Assistant)
Wanda began working at Biymire’s in June 2002. She has a husband. Bob, and two grown daughters, Lori and Michelle and four grandchildren. Wanda is responsible for publishing weekly bulletins, monthly newsletters, annual directories and annual reports. She answers the phone, sorts and processes mail, writes correspondence, takes minutes at Coordinating Ministry meetings, and handles numerous other miscellaneous tasks. As treasurer, Wanda processes all bills, balances bank accounts, pays taxes, and prepares monthly financial reports.
Nelson Leader (Music Ministry Director)
Nelson has been our Music Director since 1999. Nelson has a wife, Marti, two grown sons, Doug and Brad, and four granddaughters. Nelson leads the Senior choir, which practices each Wednesday and sings each Sunday, fall through spring. He is the leader of the Worship Team, directs our bell choir- the Bells of Praise, and is involved in our visual program.
Brenda Kerchner (Organist)
Brenda has been our organist since 1997. Brenda has a husband, Fred. She plays the organ/piano for our worship service each Sunday, as well as choir practice on Wednesday evenings. She also plays for funerals, weddings. Hymn Sings, etc.
Barb Marshall (Youth Director)
Barb built up our Children’s program. We offer FAITH KIDZ every other Wednesday evening from September through May. She also leads our TEENS Fellowship meeting the second, fourth and fifth Sundays.
Judy and Ed Bishop (Cleaning Staff)
We are thankful that the Bishops have come forward to handle the responsibilities of cleaning our facility.