St. John’s Blymire’s UCC Belief’s
Our Mission
Know and Love Christ
Serve and Share Christ
Our Vision
To joyfully receive direction from Christ that enables creativity and innovation, believing everyone has the responsiility to lovingly share their unique spiritual gifts within the church family, the community, and beyond.
Our Values
As we grow in our relationship with Christ, our journey will be guided by these values …
Speaking the truth with sensitivity, honesty and love.
Growing willingly in knowledge, spirit, and self-worth.
Serving faithfully and loving unconditionally.
Showing appreciataion and respect for God’s unique people.
Being patient and trusting in God’s timing and presence in our life’s journey.
Cultivating community through forgiveness and reconciliation.
Being open to God’s presence.
Living passionately and joyfully to the fullness that God intended.
Being a faithful steward of all that God has entrusted to us.
Being free to share our stories.
St. John’s Blymire’s UCC History
On March 23, 1980, over 150 people, pulling on four ropes attached to an old-time farm plow, dug a furrow to break ground for a new church building and to begin a new chapter in the long history of St. John’s Blymire’s United Church of Christ. The first service was held in that new building on November 9, 1980, but Blymire’s history began around 1758 when 40 acres of land was granted to local residents including Martin Blymire to be used for a church, school and cemetery. The first building housing the congregation was constructed of logs. This was replaced by a frame structure about 1812.
The third building which was known as the Red Brick Church was built in 1855 for $1250, with much of the labor being done by the church members. Remodeling in 1888 saw the steeple and bell added along with the front vestibule. The bell, purchased for $188, has been placed in the belfry on the new building. The stained glass windows placed in the building in the 1940’s were incorporated into the design of the new building.
In November, 1992, after extensive renovations, the Red Brick Church was rededicated as the Red Brick Chapel. Since that time, it has been used for weddings, community hymn sings, and the annual homecoming service. Until 1973, Blymire’s was a charge church with St. Paul’s UCC in Dallastown. Then, St. John’s Blymire’s UCC decided to try to make it on their own. The new church, sitting on the hill, is a testament to the faith and perserverance of our members. As stated in the 1981 Dedication Booklet, our desire for the future is that we “may ever be a place of comfort for the bereaved, strength for the disheartened, courage for those with vision, inspiration for the young and hope for the aged.” In the year 2008, St. John’s Blymire’s UCC celebrated 250 years of rich history in this community!
At Blymire’s, we have shared our journey of faith with a number of excellent shepherding pastors. In 2014 our pastor of twenty-three and a half years, PASTOR CURT WEBER retired. We have named him our PASTOR EMERITUS to show our gratitude for the shepherding he shared as our pastor!